The extended weekend offers a splendid opportunity for recharge. Whether surrendering to relaxation in nature, basking in the sun's rays, or opting for the coziness of home, it's worth acquiring everything needed for the perfect leisure time.
Firstly, ensuring delightful treats is paramount. Amidst the shelves of Bio-Barát Bio Store, Anita Delicate, and BOCCA Gourmet Stories, an array of delicacies, spreads, and snacks await selection, promising indulgence throughout the weekend.
Moreover, these delights can be comfortably enjoyed outdoors during a hike or stroll – requiring nothing more than a large blanket from Tchibo, a practical BUTLERS picnic basket, and a few accessories from Pirex.
In addition to gastronomic pleasures, don't overlook mental nourishment! Preparing reading material from the magazines at Inmedio or the latest offerings from Libri and Anima Bookshop is advisable. Alternatively, a smart device from iCentre can be an excellent companion, facilitating even movie watching.
Enhancing the ambiance, one can elevate the atmosphere with a fragrance from Le Parfum or flowers from Arioso – so you don't have to pay attention to anything else, just to let yourself be recharged!