Monday - Saturday:08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Sunday:09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
-1. floor
The lottery offers the full range of games of chance organised by Szerencsejáték Zrt., but can also be conveniently topped up with mobile phone credit. In addition to the classic favourites - Ötöslottó, Hatoslottó, Skandináv Lottó, Kenó, Luxor - you should also try out our other games, be it Tippmix, Putto, scratchcards or our latest game, Napi Mázli. Our staff will be happy to help everyone who wants to explore the world of these games. Our sports bettors can follow the sport live on smart devices and screens. For general information and electronic gaming and betting options, please visit the website of Szerencsejáték Zrt. You can contact the Customer Service between 7 and 23 o'clock every day on 06 1 201 0580 or 06 1 201 0617.