Walk your pet safely!


What to watch out for when you and your pet go for a walk? This question has come up in many of us, as we want to take care of ourselves and our environment. As an animal-friendly place it is an essential topic for us, so we have collected the most important information about the current situation. Our dog still needs to move, but it is good to keep a few important things in mind, so that all walks together can be enjoyed without problems during this period as well.

  • Since the virus can easily get on our dog’s fur, we had better not let anyone else pet it!
  • Avoid large crowds, keep at least 1.5 to 2 meters distance!
  • Take a hand sanitizer for the walk and use it if necessary!
  • When we get home, wipe its’ hair and paws with lukewarm water and soap. But if you want to be more thorough, the White Essence of the Adrienne Feller is also a good solution for cleaning fur or disinfectants in pharmacies and drugstores specifically for pets are also suitable for this purpose.
  • Make sure you have an antiseptic at home and wipe the door handles with it from time to time, especially the front door and garden gate, since when you get home, you touch them before washing your hands. When you're done with this, take care of your own hygiene too! Wash your hands with lukewarm water, soap, then wipe them dry!
  • Wash your dog's feeding and watering bowl thoroughly every day!
  • Clean its’ bed, blanket, collar and leash more often!

If we keep a consistent focus on these little things, we have a better chance of avoiding trouble. Show us how you walk your dog now, and share it using the #staywithmompark on Instagram! It is important to look after each other and we are hoping to meet you and your pet again soon in MOM Park!

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